Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Honey Mustard Baked Chicken

This is a very simple dish cos all i did was to marinate and baked it the next day.
havent been really posting/ writing much cos i've been kindda 'addicted to ebay' (as The Wife puts it quite bluntly). i'm saving my thoughts on dat for another post so here's the recipe.....

  • 1 x chicken (quartered / chunkily chopped)
  • 3 tbsp mustard powder
  • 4-5 tsp salt
  • pepper (to taste)
  • honey (to taste)
  • szechuan / chilli powder (to taste)
  • 2 tsp rosemary
  • 4 tbsp fish sauce
  • olive oil
  • potato halves (optional)

  • marinate chicken with everything above (except the potatoes) & leave overnite
  • rub salt, pepper over potatoes & drizzle with olive oil
  • preheat oven at 180'C and bake chicken & potatoes for 20 mins
& that's that. :)
kindda tasted fusiony but goes well with plain rice too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What's there to be addicted at ebay?