Monday, April 19, 2010

Stirfry Pork Belly Slices with Vegemite

there'd been this jar of vegemite sitting around in the kitchen for a while now (courtesy of eric & snow). might have passed the expiry date but i reckon that it's ok if i'd used it as condiment. had tried deep fried chicken with vegemite sauce before back in sg many moons back. vegemite exudes a fragrant, bittery, saltish taste in that dish so i figured it'd be strong enough for pork too. i've added honey to give a sweet tinge to the dish.

  • 500 g of pork belly, cut to bite size
  • spring onions, 3 stalks, separate stems and leaves
  • ginger, 3 cm portion, sliced
  • garlic, 4-5 cloves, chopped
  • ground black pepper
  • dash of 5 spice powder
  • 2 tsp salt (moderation)
  • 5-6 tbsp chinese cooking wine
  • cooking oil
  • dark soy sauce (3 tbsp)
  • 2 tsp of vegemite (i suppose marmite will do too)
  • honey (4-5 tbsp)
  • warm water
  • chopped chilli (optional)
  • marinate pork belly with cooking wine for >30 min
  • drain of liquid (keep for use later) and rub in salt and pepper
  • brown garlic, ginger and pork in cooking oil
  • add soy sauce, 5 spice powder and stir fry, making sure pork belly is evening coated
  • add 1 cup of warm water, stems of spring onion and let simmer for 20-30 min at mid heat. stir occasionally and let it reduce (but not too dry)
  • once pork belly skin is sufficiently tender and sauce reduced, add liquid (from marinate), vegimite and honey. stir occasionally so as to not let the honey burn in the pot. let gravy reduce further if need be (low-mid heat at approx 5 min)
  • when satisfied with tenderness of pork, stir in spring onion leaves and chilli and serve

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