Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Job hunt

i'd never quite had to write a proper cover letter or CV in my entire adult working life (i had done artist-versions for exhibitions and stuff but they aint strictly cvs).

since i was bonded to the Service, the career options are somewhat lateral, ie school-HQ-school. your bosses wld probably have told your new bosses what kind of a whackjob you are before they decide on the move (hmmm come to think about it if you are a whackjob your old boss will probably want to sell you asap). seriously, pretty much everything from iras declarations to claims...are all rather efficiently worked out by the admin staff in the System and all you needed to do was to remember to click on some buttons on a webpage and be done with it. end of story.

so here i am trying to prove my worth to potential employers when i had to synthesis what i had done in the past 7-8 years into a 2 page cv. after all the typing, the premise of an artist, teacher, HQ officer does not translate to any 'quantifiable' evidence, ie no '80% retail target met or made turnover of 1.3 gazillion bux', in my 'list of achievements'. i cld probably quote the percentile of kids passing my subject (tho that's really not quite my doing since its the kids themselves delivering the results), the numerous projects, which i was in a sub-sub-sub-comm of. even when i do get tasked to 'lead' anything, i was managing higher-ups' intentions. so i wrote that i can manage projects, run events from sectional to ministerial scale (like they say On The Job Training) but seriously i'd no paper qualifications in PR, Comms, essentially i wonder if any of my work done in the Service has any currency out in the real world. so as u can see, as a fine art and education trained guy in his early 30s, any career change at this point is 1 heck of a hurdle.

nonetheless, out went the cvs and i'd just have to keep my fingers crossed that someone out there will buy my story. like a good friend of mine just told me, it'll be like skipping from 1 puddle to the next...if not how to evolve right?

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